Put your creative skills to the test and spook up your classroom with 3DBear!
Join the #ARVRinEDU special slow chat tomorrow for a Halloween special to share how you spook up your classroom using augmented reality.
1. Get your free trial https://3dbear.io/freetrial/
2. Take a photo or video of your classroom scene
3. Share on Twitter anytime tomorrow using #ARVRinEDU

Immersive technology: Asset to the classroom or another tech fad?
eSchool News
Check on this eSchool News article about a recent edWebinar with Michelle Luhtala. We had a full discussion on the main points from Learning Transported and the best methods for ARVRinEDU integration. Michelle led the discussion using powerful example of classroom use of immersive technology.
Are you interested in ARVRinEDU professional development? Let's chat!