The Reality Composer app was released by Apple last September as an augmented reality creation tool. The app is available to create on an iPhone, iPad, or MacBook. The app can be as simple as adding a 3D object and viewing it in AR or as complex as animating it, changing the physics of the movement, or even connecting items with body tracking. Below is an image of the promotion I created for the ARVRinEDU chat after the app was first released.

Creating content in Reality Composer begins by selecting what type of experience you plan to build. There are four modes to choose from, including anchoring your objects to an image, a vertical or horizontal surface, a 3D object, or connecting it to a face using body tracking. Once you've selected your mode, start by adding objects from the library or loading your 3D objects. The object can be modified by size, rotation, and location (TRANSFORM), adjusted in color, texture, proportion (LOOK), and given motion with specific material and shape (PHYSICS).

An exciting option is adding behaviors to each object. The behavior can begin with a tap on the object or by starting when opening the experience. Some of the behaviors include flip, spin, bounce, float, and the intensity of these behaviors range from basic to wild (STYLE). Push play when selecting your options to preview how your AR scene unfolds.
I found it easier to create on my MacBook rather than on my iPhone because I have much more space to scroll through properties and navigate the plane. A fantastic feature that Apple considered is sharing the project between the MacBook and the iPhone, and it automatically syncs the information. Having the option to build and immediately see the project come to life on my iPhone was helpful to guarantee that the project suited my needs. View a completed project that I shared regarding my thoughts on TCEA last month.
When finished with your project, share it for others to experience. On your mobile device, select the project and then select the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. Export your .reality file and see the multiple ways to share it (airdrop, text message, email, Google Drive). The .reality file will open using Quick Look by following the directions below (iOS only). View the 3D objects on my postcard and start with this link on your iOS mobile device.

Don't forget to share what you create/view and share it on social using #31DaysofARVRinEDU! I am looking for a winner this week to send out a signed copy of Learning Transported, an ARVRinEDU shirt and the new ISTE guide for Learning Transported.
This blog is part of the #31DaysofARVRinEDU event. Expect a new augmented or virtual reality resource for the classroom to post every day in March. All subscribers will receive daily notifications.

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