I’m thrilled to provide the #31DaysofARVRinEDU event! Each day in March will include an augmented (AR) or virtual reality (VR) resource to bring into the classroom.
As a former math teacher, the Magicplan app has always been appealing to me. One of the projects I loved to do with my students was creating blueprints. Students would need to make a home, limited to 1200 square feet on grid paper. They were required to include a kitchen, at least one room and a standard garage. We worked on several mathematical concepts such as proportions, measurement, fractions, decimals and more.

In this app, students can scan a room using an ARKit/ARCore compatible mobile device to map out a digital blueprint. Students can use this app to place doors, windows, furniture and more to create a blueprint of the room to understand scale, redesign a room or make the connection with an area, surface area and/or volume.
To begin using the Magicplan app, download the iOS or Android app and select the + button to start your blueprint. By selecting “capture” in the app, students will use the camera to identify the corners and sides of the room with the grid shown in augmented reality. When the capture is completed, the blueprint is ready to add doors, windows, and furniture.
Share your classroom blueprints on social media using #31DaysofARVRinEDU!
Don’t miss more ARVRinEDU training at ISTE 2019! Preregistration is required for the following sessions below.
App Smashing with ARVRinEDU From Experience to Creation with AR & VR Breakout with Augmented and Virtual Reality